Ophthalmoscope, indirect

Ophthalmoscope, indirect
Type of medical device or related product
General vs. specific use (health condition)
Intended population age
Intended population sex
Level of technical knowledge
electricity (batteries)
EMDN related code(s)
GMDN related code(s)
Indirect monocular ophthalmoscope, electrically-powered (An electrically-powered, hand-held, ophthalmic instrument designed to be held arm’s length from the patient to examine the interior of the eye and related structures [e.g., fundus (retina), cornea, aqueous, lens, vitreous] using the examiner’s one eye (monocular). It is intended to provide a wide field of view and produce an inverted (reversed) image of approximately 2 to 5 times magnification. It typically consists of a built-in light (e.g., non-polarized light) directed through the pupil to illuminate the interior of the eyeball, lenses, and filters.)